Have a perfect smile!

Gum Surgery

“Gum procedure is an adjunct procedure that is mainly done for two reasons, to improve your health or your smile.”

Gum Surgery for Functional / Hygiene Reasons

Gum surgeries can be done to correct or improve the overall health of the teeth and gums. It is done mainly so all the food debris and tartar collected in the deep pockets of the gums can be cleaned up. Regular cleaning procedures don’t allow us to access the deep tarter that leads to bone disease around your teeth. This procedure would clean up the environment around your teeth and thus help enhance their lifespan. 

Cosmetic Gum Correction

Patients who display a lot of their gum tissue along with their teeth have what we call a gummy smile. The elimination of gummy smiles requires a small surgical procedure in which the gums can be shaped correctly so that when you smile, the display of the gum tissue can be minimized and the teeth appear to be more proportional and aesthetic.

At Smiles By Designs, we have various methods where this can be done. We have the conventional surgical method as on option. However, we prefer using the diode laser as it offers minimum pain and minimal swelling. Also, the procedure gets done in a short time and leaves very few side effects. If you have any doubts about the laser treatment for cosmetic gum surgery, you can contact us for a consultation!